
BrezBlock is independent development studio based in Kyiv, Ukraine.


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Happy new year
posted by: brezerk on: 31 Dec 2022

Thank you for being with us this year friends!

2022 has become a real test for us: fascist Russia and the Russians have brought only war, grief and death to Ukraine for 9 years in a row. We survived thanks to the heroism and self-sacrifice of our defenders, thanks to volunteers and thanks to your care. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank everyone who is making efforts to bring our victory closer.

We believe that Russia and every Russian will be brought to the responsibility for the war crimes they committed. And they would pay for the broken destinies and for the broken lives. Remember the fallen, pray for the prisoners of war, rejoice the living, love, live your best life and support our army, volunteers and accept our most sincere congratulations on the New Year and the coming holidays, may the coming year bring only good changes, inspiration and victory.

Slava Ukraini!

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