BrezBlock is independent development studio based in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Here are all news related to brezblock's projects and its community life. Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS or Atom feed if you interested in.
Version changes since v1.3.11
- Afrikaans translation;
- Japanese translation;
- Ukrainian translation;
- Russian translation;
- Traditional Chinese translation;
- German translation;
- Add an option to show / hide "Args" parameter BUG-114;
- Generate StartupWMClass values in created .desktop files BUG-153;
- Added a feature to keep the terminal open when running winetricks so users can see the output.
- Fix parsing of env causing issues with wine kill BUG-143;
- Error: wrong or broken XML data. Try again later. BUG-146;
- Fixed a bug where /etc/mtab was not being read and resulted in being unable to unmount iso images.
- Fixed a bug where the temporary director for generating icons wasn't being deleted. Refactored this to use QTemporaryDir.
- Added workaround for st terminal, similar to konsole.
- Fixed warnings: Qt deprecated function useage;
- Fixed warnings: use of old-style cast;